
Self-organized collective non-profit Housing and Co-Work-Cooperative


SchloR is a Viennese circle of friends – and they have found a plot of land in Simmering with buildings that they want to manage and live on from 2019. In contrast to capitalist competition, however, their goal is not to maximise profits, but rather the prospect of self-determination and fair rent without an expiry date. They use a model that completely excludes any further speculation. A similar form is to be established in Austria on the basis of the tenement housing syndicate in Germany called habiTaT. More information can be found at: habitat

SchloR’s plan: They have a lot of plans with the purchase of the property, including the gymnasium, operating space and apartments: They not only want to cook their own soup here, but also create affordable premises for neighbours* and other projects – comparable with WUK and Sargfabrik in Vienna or Willy-Fred in Linz. And it’s precisely this kind of free space that is lacking in all corners and ends. Why? They are tired of living in anonymous apartment buildings, where other people decide whether they want to leave our apartment for rent after three years and they have no idea who actually lives in the apartment next to them. As a circle of friends with artistic, technical and academic backgrounds, they want to get things going and keep them going in the long term. And effectively it is exactly what many people have always wanted to do.

The project will be partly self-built as a straw bale construction and in the future will be administered as self-sufficiently as possible by the local association. The hall as well as the operating rooms can also be used by the neighbourhood on a non-profit basis.


SchloR GmbH


Gabu Heindl, Elena Mali, Lisa Schönböck, Stana Marjanovic, Hannah Niemand, Fabian Liszt, Petko Grablijc, Maura Schmitt

GABU Heindl Architektur, SchloR

Stakeholders Axonometry
Stakeholders Axonometry